About Us

About NCUB

 The Nilambur Kovilakom represented by the Senior Raja Sri. T.N. Manavedan Thirumulpad and 49 other members with a share capital of Rs500/-established the bank way back in 1939 with the noble aim of allowing the people of Nilambur to access banking facilities at a time when most parts of the nation had yet to come to terms with development. The founding fathers laid great emphasis to start the bank in the co-operative sector which at that time was in an infant stage in order to encourage thrift and provide credit among all sections of society.

Board of members

  • Chairman Aryadan shoukathali
  • Vice chairman A.Gopinathan
  • Director K. Gopalakrishnan
  • Director K.P Chadramathi
  • Director K.T. Viswanathan
  • Director C.K. Mubarak
  • Director E.A Muraleedharan
  • Director P. Showkathali
  • Director George Parakkal
  • Director Rajendra Varma
  • Director Beena P